Friday, October 9, 2015


Flash Back!
To that time in Oregon this summer when my son
was determined to create a slo-mo video of the hummingbirds
that visit the feeders at grandma's house.

After a while, he decided camouflage was needed.

Observe the iPhone sticking up out of the blanket.
And, of course, the beautiful valley relfected in the sliding glass.

"Slow down and enjoy life.
It's not only the scenery you miss by going too fast - 
you also miss the sense of where you are going and why."
Eddie Cantor

Joining James for


  1. Great series of pictures with fine reflections. What a view you have from those windows.

  2. Cool reflections! I love the scenery. Thanks for the reminder to buy a hummingbird feeder. :-)

  3. I second that comment about the view. Had to laugh at your son in camouflage.

  4. great photos..and I hope he got the video!

  5. Fantastic reflections in the glass. Havve a wonderful weekend.
